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Rainbow Waterfall


I am so glad that you are here!


My mission is to support you to create energetic balance through your mind-body-soul, to reconnect you to your authentic self and your own sacred soul medicine using energy activation-healing via intuitive guidance and channeling, Light Language activations, Kinesiology and Reiki.


There is something here for everyone - no matter where you are on your journey!

Welcome to 

Ali Tucker
Embodied Wellness 

and the home of

The Sacred Light Collective

​I am your Intuitive Guide, leading you back home to yourself. To rediscover your sense of self, the divine essence that is within you, to support you to step out into the world as your fully authentic self, enabling you to live a joyful fulfilling life that is your birthright!​


It's time to create a life you love to live, breathe and be in!


To tune into your inner guiding light!​


To embrace the divine and human aspects that you are!


Are you ready to rewrite your story, your future?!​


Then trust your soul has led you here, because you are in the right place!​​​


Ali xx

About Ali

Ali is a Kinesiologist, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Multidimensional Light Language channel, and Intuitive Energy Light worker using combination of energy medicine, light language - light code activations, Kinesiology, Reiki energy, to align you to your inner temple – your cosmic heart and multidimensional self – guiding and supporting you home to an embodied being of unity expression, empowering you to access you own innate wisdom and healing ability.


She is passionate about empowering you to embody your divine spirit aspect embodied in physical form and to shine your light accessing your own soul's gifts and path.

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DreamWave - Transcendent Chill by ATMOSPHERIC _ Mixcloud.jfif

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