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2023 Card Reading Energy and Guidance for the Year Ahead

Writer's picture: Ali TuckerAli Tucker

This is energy card reading from the Gateway of Light Activations Oracle deck for 2023 energy and guidance with the Akashic Records for You.

The first two cards of ‘Pleiadian Activation’ and ‘Angelic Frequency’ come out together and this feels to be a coming together of connection to spirit, to working more in and with the spirit realms, astrally; creating the harmony and flow of communication and receivership.

Coming together in peace and harmony within; creating an opportunity to heal old wounds, with the angelic frequency supporting you and guiding you and helping you to feel safe to heal old wounds, and to operate from a higher state of being; to experience the divine within and without you.

Bringing together a sense of, and frequency, of interconnectedness, of oneness through the divine matrix in harmony of self with the universe. Supporting an understanding of everything being  connected. That there is an invisible energy uniting us, uniting us with the past, the present and even the future, uniting us with the heavens and the earth, Gaia.

Guiding us into alignment with the oneness of life, the universe, the guidance and alignment to remembering that we are a part of something that is much bigger than us. Again emphasizing our remembrance, connection and understanding of being a spirit in human form. And that we are a part of something so much bigger than us in this moment.

We are being reminded that nothing happens by chance. There is always an unfolding, understanding, a learning, and that we are never alone. We are always connected to some ‘thing’, to all things, and that when we are in connection to the heart of Source, to love, to Creator/God that is our connection to ALL.

With the I Am Presence and Earth star activation cards anchoring that knowledge that you are a spirit, a soul, a part of Source, here on the earth having an experience in physical form. To become grounded in the human experience and with the earth, Gaia.

The Holy Grail echoing this is a journey, an inner discovery, a remembering of your sacredness, a remembering of who you are more deeply; and that this year more than ever you are remembering that you are a spirit, a soul, a spark of Source, that is here in physical form.

Creating, living, embodying an experience as part of your soul's ascension journey. That you can come back into connection with the Holy Grail, that energy of Source, of home, within you. If you stop searching outside of yourself and go within to remember that you have everything that you've been searching for; everything you need is within you.

The message from the card of Holy Grail sums this up perfectly.

“You have been on a great quest seeking, searching, discovering. But the further you've gone, the more your heart has called you back. You may still be looking for treasure. But you are now discovering that all roads lead back to you. The great source of creation holds up a shiny mirror in front of you and you see your reflection, you are the answer. You are the divine. You are created. You are creating. The gateway of your Divinity has opened and the vessel of your being is flowing with infinite light. You have been searching for God and God is within. So go within. This is the key to your heaven. Your cup is overflowing. Your gifts are being unlocked. Let the world share your treasure.”

So as you move through 2023 embrace more of your I Am Presence, the divine within you; Source, God, whatever you resonate with, within you. Come into harmony with your mind, your body, your soul and with the Earth and the Heavens. Lean into the oneness, the unity of Being connected Above, Below, Within and Without.

You are safe to explore. You are always supported. You are what you seek.

Love and blessing of grace and peace for 2023 and beyond 🙏🏻❤️💫

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Ali Tucker Embodied Wellness

"The Sacred Light Collective"


South Australia, Australia

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