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Card Reading for November 2022 Energy

Writer's picture: Ali TuckerAli Tucker

November 2022 Energy from the "Beyond Lemuria" Oracle Deck for The Sacred Light Collective, for You.

47 - Stepping Through

Bringing the energy of - Following your heart, dreaming big, stepping through something that has been holding you back; stepping through the threshold and starting new projects, deeper self-belief. It is all possible dear one. It is time to step onto the road less travelled, the time is now, no more excuses or tomorrow's; whatever you have been putting off the universe is now urging, pushing you, to make it happen. You may feel a little outside your comfort zone but that is where the magic happens. Take a leap. Combine your intuition with a plan of action. Break it down into small steps of action. And trust the puzzle will come together piece by piece through the courageous act of making a start! It is time dear one – step through, rise!

36 - Manifestia

Bringing the energy of - Sowing the seeds of your dreams, manifesting and creating your reality, trusting what you desire is already happening. This is a time of magic making, pollinating your wishes; as above, so below. You can decide how you want to live – you get to decide how you want to live. The universe is in full support of you choosing to step into the optimal version of yourself. Dream big, then dream bigger. You are being shown that this is a great time to start the projects you have been considering or procrastinating on. All it takes is some fertilization in the realms of magic, making magic happen we say, as above so below. You are encouraged to dream big…dream bigger….create big….create bigger!

This is a reminder that you can choose how you want your life to go. You can manifest, all you wish to create or release. It's time to sow the seeds of the reality you want to experience. To work with this principle, through affirmative thinking and feeling of a higher intention, then anchor or ground your dream, the seeds, allow them to manifest from your heart. Overcome fear, take strong positive action and let go of the outcome; know and trust your dreams are already on their way and ‘expect’ to see results.

These cards echo the message from the Akashic Records - the Elohim for the energy for us in November; of really choosing whether we want to step in or out of this experience of life. Do we want to go in and explore our inner world more deeply? Or are we happy to sit on the outside? And either way is up to us through free will, we have the choice. We have the power, through our choices / decisions / our intention, to step through, and to manifest, to create, a life that brings us fulfilment, happiness, contentment, joy, peace and tranquillity. We can move in oneness with ourselves, with Gaia, with all that is; or we can choose to stand still.

This energy of November 2022, or whenever you see this, is really inviting you to be clear about the choices that you are making. Because even when you are not making a choice, you are in indeed making a choice; don't underestimate the power of intention. Hold your intention. Set your intentions. Bless and pray with intention. Call in your highest vibration of self, your divinity, the highest potential timeline for you and ground your light, ground yourself and connect to Gaia, to nature in any way that you can be in communion with life and in the ‘present’ with life in any way possible.

I will add that it is completely okay if you choose to stand still – you have the free will to choose your path – but if you are here with me, co-creating in this space right now, I know that you are ready to step through. This is your sign, your confirmation, that you are ready and that you are more than capable of overcoming the fear of your mind, and step into more remembrance of who you are and who you are here to be.

I am holding both sides here in my heart. I am holding the inner and the outer, the light and the dark; and I am sending love, light and blessings to each and every soul on the planet at this time, to each and every sentient being. And for you reading this now; deep gratitude and love for your presence and co-creation. May you open your heart and receive this transmission; clearly, gently, and in the love that it was channelled.

The light and love, the divinity within me; honours the light, the love and the divinity within you.


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Ali Tucker Embodied Wellness

"The Sacred Light Collective"


South Australia, Australia

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