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Ali Tucker
Jun 1, 20204 min read
You are the creator of your life...
“You can’t change the past, you can only change the present, and it is a mystery to us that you seek to change the past rather than to...
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Ali Tucker
May 1, 20202 min read
How does an online Kinesiology session work?
I will be super honest with you and say that originally I was highly doubtful of conducting Kinesiology sessions ‘online’, even though my...
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Ali Tucker
Apr 3, 20204 min read
Practicing Self-Care in Uncertain Times…
I feel called more than ever to share healing, love and light with the ever changing environment at present and the move towards limited...
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Ali Tucker
Mar 5, 20203 min read
Being present and showing up for yourself…
Sometimes all you can do is just be present and show up. Show up for life….show up for yourself….to just ‘be’. I have been reminded of...
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Ali Tucker
Feb 7, 20205 min read
Trusting your inner knowing...
It is in that space of your inner knowing that you will find comfort and ease, there is a feeling of being supported that comes from...
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Ali Tucker
Jan 1, 20205 min read
End of Year Reflection and Intentions...
I had been tracking so well as the end of 2019 approached and I had been starting my reflection and intention process a little earlier...
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Ali Tucker
Dec 10, 20194 min read
Surrendering and letting go of old patterns...
A lot of my personal reflection over the last few months has been around the relationships in my life, the type of energy, people that I...
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Ali Tucker
Nov 2, 20194 min read
What is Grounding...
Grounding (also known as Earthing) What is Grounding and why it is so important? The definition of Grounding in the Collins English...
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Ali Tucker
Oct 1, 20194 min read
Patience is key...
Amongst the many lessons that have seemed to come up for me this year, one of the biggest challenges has been accepting and embracing...
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Ali Tucker
Sep 9, 20195 min read
Opening Your Heart...
It can be a challenge in the beginning to allow yourself to be open and, to open your heart in ways you perhaps haven’t done before, and...
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Ali Tucker
Aug 2, 20196 min read
Limiting beliefs - What are they and how to transform them...
Identifying the patterns or behaviours that have dimmed your light or why, where you have allowed others needs to be more important than...
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Ali Tucker
Jul 17, 20197 min read
Stress and the Nervous System...
Whether it is stress formed from physical, biochemical, mental or psychological stress, or stress patterns contributed from the more...
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Ali Tucker
Jun 21, 20193 min read
Seeing and owning your truth...
The Universe will keep putting in our path what we need to learn the most. Often in life a situation or pattern will keep repeating...
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Ali Tucker
Jun 6, 20194 min read
Recognising your story and reclaiming your power...
I had a big aha moment a few days ago. For the last couple of weeks, near where I get off the bus, there is a man who sits with a sign...
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Ali Tucker
May 9, 20196 min read
Staying centred in love, joy and harmony...
In the face of adversity or challenging times it is a test of your courage and strength to see if you can maintain a positive outlook, if...
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Ali Tucker
Apr 1, 20196 min read
Relationships and ego fear projections...
So by now, if you have been keeping up with my blogs, you will know that this year is all about relationship lessons and growth for me. ...
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Ali Tucker
Mar 1, 20196 min read
Learning to trust and have faith...
So after a couple of hectic weeks at the start of the school year, where I had found myself back in full control mode in an effort to...
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Ali Tucker
Feb 1, 20195 min read
Learning from relationships and triggers...
I have been reflecting over a situation that occurred nearly four months ago…yes I am a recovering over thinker and don’t always have it...
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Ali Tucker
Jan 1, 20195 min read
New Year Reflection and Intentions...
This time of year you see many posts, articles and blogs about reflecting, letting go and releasing the year that was and setting...
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Ali Tucker
Aug 25, 20183 min read
Do you need to 'prepare' for a Kinesiology session?
This is a question that I get asked a lot so I thought I would share a few tips. Given Kinesiology taps into your own body’s innate...
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